Why have personalized sports gadgets
On public transportation, how many times have you passed someone proudly displaying a bag in the colors of their favorite gym? If you see so many, it's no accident. Indeed, sports gadgets are more useful than we may think at first glance. So our Zaprinta store has taken the opportunity to offer you customizable accessories and items for all sports brands, and much more.
Give useful advertising
Famous sports brands have always understood that the best advertising is the one that comes directly from their customers. So what better way than to clearly display your brand's logo on the clothing, and other accessories, worn by your customers? Whether you run a gym or a sports club, offering sports gadgets to your members can be a brilliant idea. This strategy, already used by the biggest companies, allows you to benefit from a two-in-one advertising. On the one hand, you offer a useful gift to your customers and you build their loyalty in the long term. On the other hand, they offer you free publicity by using them in the public space. By offering personalized sports gadgets, you are thus making multiple happy people!
Mark your sports events
Figuratively, but also literally, you will be able to mark all your sports events. If you are organizing a race, or any other sports competition, personalized sports gadgets are an interesting idea to consider. Even if they lose, all participants usually leave with some souvenir goodies. It can be a bracelet, a bag, a plastic water bottle, or a whistle. The passionate runners sometimes collect their personalized t-shirts over the editions. Many also wear them regularly for outdoor training.
How to customize your sports gadget?
Zaprinta customizes many accessories from several printing techniques: screen printing, digital printing, laser engraving, pad printing, etc. Depending on the materials used to make our sports gadgets, we take full charge of evaluating the substrate and adapting our printing technique to your item.
In order to provide you with a successful print for all your textile accessories, such as our customizable cotton sports bags, we usually resort to screen printing. This famous technique uses stencils to evenly distribute the colors on an item. Each color in your logo thus requires a dedicated stencil and thus represents a separate layer of color.
When it comes to solid materials like plastic or aluminum water bottles, we can use laser engraving. This is a very precise and high-end printing technique. However, engraving does not allow you to print several colors. If you would rather have colors or even photos printed, we can opt for digital printing in four colors. This more modern technique can do absolutely everything!
Depending on the product chosen, we can also use: pad printing, sublimation, doming, embossing, transfer or embroidery. What complex words to tell you that Zaprinta offers you fully customized prints according to your expectations and always of superior quality.
Customized branding
Whatever sports gadget you choose to customize, we take care of all the technical details for you. On your end, all you'll have to do is choose the color of your product from the available options, the quantity of pieces you want, as well as the size of the imprint area. Once you have determined your preferences, you can send us your logo, text or photo. We will then take care of the custom branding on your sports goodies.
Make a quote online
Before placing an order with Zaprinta, you can request a free quote or digital preview. You will receive a quote and price within four hours of your quote request. In addition, you should know that we are at your entire disposal for any additional information.
Sports gadgets offered at Zaprinta
A true specialist in promotional items, your Zaprinta store offers a wide choice of customizable sports gadgets. What to be able to offer original gifts to all your adherents and celebrate together beautiful sports occasions!
Bottles: an indestructible classic
The water bottle is a product that has become completely democratized, for sports but also to accompany us at the office. It is a gadget that we take everywhere with us, so that we can constantly keep a water bottle with a more environmentally friendly format. The personalized water bottle comes in several models: aluminum, plastic, ecological, BPA-free, collapsible, etc. The water bottles also have different capacities ranging from 400 ml to 1 L. Enough to make it a remarkable promotional item!"
Fitness bags: indispensable pieces
The sports bag, often light and compact, allows you to easily carry all the accessories needed for workouts such as the water bottle (indestructible), the sports outfit, the toiletry kit, the towel, and much more. At Zaprinta, this customizable item comes in cotton, polyester, foldable cylinder, backpack, or drawstring. The sports bag presents itself as a real communication asset since it is usually worn conspicuously in the public space.
Bottles, bags, t-shirts, terry wristbands... At Zaprinta, no matter what sports gadget you choose, we always offer delivery of your order. Finally, feel free to explore our catalog to discover the full extent of our stock of customizable items.